The plant-based drink contains as many essential minerals as cow's milk and also has numerous other health benefits (but only if you make it yourself). Especially if you do not eat and/or drink animal products, almond milk can be a good alternative to regular milk.
- 200 g almonds
- 1 liter of water
- Pinch of salt
- Possibly. honey, vanilla extract and/or dates
Preparation method
1. Soak the almonds in water overnight. (minimum 8 hours.)
2. Drain and rinse the almonds.
3. Then alternately add a little almonds and a dash of water to the juicer. Repeat this until all almonds and the desired amount of water have passed through the slow juicer.
4. If necessary, add some vanilla extract, honey or dates to make it a bit sweeter.
5. Enjoy your natural and healthy milk!
Proteine pancakes
Lekkere pannenkoekjes met een extra dosis natuurlijke eiwitten. Ideaal voor na het sporten of om je dag goed mee te beginnen.
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